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Kirkintilloch Horticultural Society

Committee meeting 11 April 2024

Committee meeting 11 April 2024

Added at 13:56 on 28 April 2024

Present:  A. Lothian, R. Hatcher, I. Hatcher, W. Bryson, A Bryson, M. Gibb, P. Malcolm

The committee noted that the funeral of Edith Dunn was due to take place on 22 April.

Membership of SGF has been renewed.

A Spring Outing to Kibble Palace Orchid Show on 11 May 2024 was proposed.  Members to travel independently and will be met outside the main entrance by Andrew Lothian at 11:00.

A Summer Outing was discussed with several options suggested.

Arrangements for the Annual Flower Show were discussed in detail.

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