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Kirkintilloch Horticultural Society

From the Kirkintilloch Herald 3 July 2024

From the Kirkintilloch Herald 3 July 2024

Added at 16:14 on 03 July 2024

Written by Margaret Gibb, our Press Secretary

Our annual general meeting held in May was well attended and members enjoyed a social evening with refreshments after new office bearers had been appointed.
Also in May, some members met at the Kibble Palace to visit the annual Glasgow Botanic Gardens Orchid Fair. Displays by the Scottish and other visiting orchid societies were most impressive, with a wide variety of orchids and carnivorous plants, some of which were for sale. (See photo)
This year our summer outing will be on Thursday, July 18, when we look forward to visiting Culzean Castle and country park, at Maybole on the Ayrshire coast.

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